As the digital era unfolds, the healthcare industry is experiencing an unprecedented transformation. The Internet of Things (IoT), with its web of interconnected devices and systems, is spearheading this change. Insider Intelligence Magazine underscores this evolution, predicting the market’s expansion to $187.60 billion by 2028. IoT’s integration into healthcare, known as the Internet of Medical… Continue reading How Smart Technologies Enhance Healthcare with IoT-driven Smart Occupancy Monitoring
Tag: #GreenTech
The Role of AI in Energy Management: Transforming the Industry for a Sustainable Future
Introduction: The influence of artificial intelligence (AI) in the smart building energy management sector is nothing short of revolutionary. In a time where saving energy and efficient energy use are paramount, AI emerges as a key player in reshaping the energy landscape. From demand response management to predictive maintenance and smart homes, AI is revolutionising… Continue reading The Role of AI in Energy Management: Transforming the Industry for a Sustainable Future
UK Net-Zero Ambition: Bridging Energy Efficiency and Carbon Control
Understanding the Landscape from FinTech Global’s Perspective The UK is ambitiously charting a path towards becoming the world’s premier Net Zero-aligned Financial Centre1. As highlighted by the recent article from FinTech Global, the UK’s commendable efforts have already resulted in a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by over 48% since 1901. The establishment of the… Continue reading UK Net-Zero Ambition: Bridging Energy Efficiency and Carbon Control
Embracing the Future: IoT, AI, and DIREK`s Role in the Modern World
The technological horizon is continuously expanding, and a recent Forbes Enterprise Tech piece offers insights into the symbiotic growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). By 2024, the IoT ecosystem is projected to expand with over 207 billion devices, extending its reach far beyond traditional computers and smartphones. The article outlines… Continue reading Embracing the Future: IoT, AI, and DIREK`s Role in the Modern World
Green Skills Gap Solutions: Advanced Occupancy Monitoring for UK Sustainable 2050 Goals
The Facilities Management Journal recently cast a spotlight on pressing challenges faced by the UK, with the Climate Change Committee‘s 2023 report emphasising the nation’s delay in achieving its net zero transition goals by 2050. The primary concerns brought forth are the impending catastrophic overheating of our planet and a dire shortage of skilled personnel… Continue reading Green Skills Gap Solutions: Advanced Occupancy Monitoring for UK Sustainable 2050 Goals